Minor tweaks
Friday, 25. July 2008 2:55 - daniel - Blogs - 1 Comment
I tweaked a few things here and there. For example
- Trackbacks should work again.
- Gravatars are available now. I'll probably release the sourcecode for this soon.
- I made a few bugfixes behind the curtains, like a new version of the spaw editor and file uploads finally work again.
- I'm currently working on a new release candidate for yabs, the software that powers this site. Maybe you'll see a update soon, but don't count on it.
Andreas - Wednesday, 20. August 2008 6:03
Hey Dani,
könntest du mir bitte mein Yabs updaten (neu installieren), da ich leider die FTP Daten gerade nicht zur Hand habe. Du kannst alles, was jetzt drauf is löschen, da es sehr viele Fehler enthält (vorallem Einträge). Passt des?
lg Andy