
Thursday, 3. December 2009 13:43 - daniel - Other - 0 Comments

I should probably write something about the latest addition to the site. Well, lets see.

First, the development/code section is now at dev.pew.cc and svn.pew.cc respectively. Every project that I work on and want to publish gets a folder at svn.pew.cc and an entry at dev.pew.cc.

Next is yabs. yabs is now at version 0.8.0. No big changes since the last release candidate. The next minor version is in the works and includes mostly bugfixes. The next major version will include a improved template system, but this requires extensive changes to the admin panel, so it will take some time to get this release out. Don't hold your breath.

The last thinig is img.pew.cc. This is a image hosting service. Think imagshack.us if you want. When you upload an image it will sotre it on the server, create a preview pic and give you some code snippets for linking to the image. You also can and should tag your image and the site will suggest tags based on the letters you entered so far.

There are currently no limits to who can upload or how much. If the service gets abused I'll implement limits, but for now you can enjoy it as it is.

The code for img.pew.cc is at svn.pew.cc/img and there is a wiki page at dev.pew.cc.

And last but not least there are a few new plugins for yabs because I had to create them for a website. I'm not sure how usefull they are but check them out and use them if you like.
