shelter from a blizzard

Monday, 7. April 2008 18:09 - daniel - World of Warcraft - 0 Comments

For quite some time the World of Warcraft forums include a interceptor to display a warning if you leave the official forums. This has been done to protect the user from keyloggers (and not only the users, some blues got keylogged too :D). No idea if this helps anyone but for me it became really annoying having to click two times to follow a links (not even to mention waiting for the interceptor page to load).

Until now I was using the Shelter from a Blizzard script for Greasemonkey by NeonGoat. But that script hat some problems with URLs that include & and was generally not that well coded.  Therefore I reworked the script to parse the URLs correctly and only replace the onclick event if it present.

You can get the Shelter from a Blizzard (reworked) script at
